ImmoveableDepartureDenialFloral FowlThe Secret Kingdom IThe Secret Kingdom II AmendDepartureDenialFloral FowlFloral SwineAscendant Ascendant IIThaumature (Feminine)ProphyriaThaumature (Masculine)Vanitas IIVanitas I Togetherness IITogetherness IAnimism IAnimism IIMemento MoriSugar Skull RomanceSemi-Erotic IISemi-Erotic ISilent FlurrySway - A Life of ErrorsThe Voracious Pale Blue-Grey IIPale Blue-Grey IFervorLimber KindnessMusingAdore StasisLanguageWith Lungs and ArmsA Conversation WIth Myself IA Conversation With Myself II The LoversSitting On A UnicornThe Paper WallDream of ColourDream of HorsesDream of Talking